IWI NAILS - Lipo Collection



Lelewaʻa: "A Hawaiian historian describes Lelewaʻa as friendly sharks that lean on outrigger canoes for food and company. The whale shark is likely a Lelewaʻa as it is a friendly shark that feeds only on plankton.

This set has a matte, dark blue finish and a print resembling that of the friendly whale shark."

Lupe: "Though many know the sting rays in Hawaiʻi as Hīhīmanu, they are also called Lupe (Kite). This is likely because they resemble the shape and movement of a kite. This design is inspired by the beautiful natural pattern of the spotted eagle ray found in Hawaiʻi's waters.

This set has a matte, blue tie dye finish that almost resembles a soft denim. Half of the strips also have our Lupe spotted print."

Pololia: "Inspired by the moon jelly found in Hawaiʻi waters, the pinks and whites of this nail design mimic it's body and tentacles. Don't worry, this one won't sting!.

This set has a cream matte base, and embossed pink lines."


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